An active bridge between research and practice
The founding members of Estia have all made their doctoral thesis within the LESO-PB lab at EPFL. Literally, research is the key element of their meeting. From its inception, the company's ambition was to create a bridge between the laboratory and practice. This vocation is still very much alive and is somehow the Estia trademark. This feature is reflected in particular in the development of methods and tools which, when finances permit, are marketed, maintained and distributed by the company.
Some emblematic projects
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• PRELUDE “Prescient building Operation utilizing Real Time data for Energy Dynamic Optimization”
• EDYCE “Energy flexible DYnamic building CErtification”
• RECO2ST “Residential retrofit assessement platform”
• IEA SHC Task 61 / EBC Annex 77 “Integrated solutions for daylighting and electric lighting”
• Global Lighting Performance : Effective use of shading devices (OFEN Project)
• CTI Project "Façades béton composite" Partenship Estia - EPFL / LAURE
• IEA-50 : International Energy Agency : Advanced Lighiting Solutions for Retrofitting Buildings
• DIAL-Europe: EPFL - Estia - FhG IBP - Universits of Cambrige - TNO Eindhoven
• Neurobat project Partnership Estia - EPFL / CSEM.
• Albatros Project Partnership Estia - EPFL.