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Our approach combines a suitable design of the openings, a good management of solar gains, and the activation of the building thermal mass. This approach is often complemented by the implementation of simple and robust automation that allow to optimize the potential for passive cooling.
The Estia teams have developed specific simulation tools allowing us to systematically propose detailed parametric studies. ("Estia-g", "DIAL+Cooling").
Some emblematic projects
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... some other emblematic projects
ECAB, Granges-Paccot,
Refurbishment of Gymnase d’Yverdon (arch.CCHE),
Sports Hall Le Pierrier (Fasst Architectes),
Helsana Building Lausanne (arch. Junod),
Nestlé building Vevey (arch. Bronnimann et Gottreux),
Pavilion of Bieudron plant (arch. Lorenz-Musso),
University of Lausanne, Anthropole building (BUD - UNIL),
..., etc.
We apologize for not being able to mention here all the projects we have had the privilege and the pleasure to work on.
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